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Partners and references for intercultural projects in high schools


Group 1 – whole school approach

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS : eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe the European Federation for Intercultural Learning is the Federation of 30 organisations running AFS exchange programmes in Europe. OBESSU gathers school students unions based in 20 countries in Europe. the European Centre for Modern Languages is a project of the Council of Europe to support multilingual/multicultural classrooms.  The international project teams provide training modules, guidelines and toolkits for teacher educators. : Talent for Humanity is an international non-profit organization conceived by a group of professionals, entertainers and business people all drawn together by a single vision of serving humanity and by the idea that it is possible to create a better world through entertainment and the performing arts


Annoncer la Couleur/Kleur Bekennen (“Speaking Out”) is a governmental education programme designed to promote and support world-wide training and world citizenship for young people. It helps teachers and youth trainers to gain a critical understanding (skills, values and attitudes) of globalisation processes and global development issues. This programme is focused on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) working with Dutch and French speaking schools at local and regional levels for almost 20 years. In recent years, the organisation has evolved from being a direct provider of materials, tools and trainings for teachers, to having a facilitating role to support, guide and inspire all relevant actors in the field.

PeaceJam : With 20 years of experience, PeaceJam is the global leader in youth development and engagement. PeaceJam is an international education organization led by thirteen Nobel Peace Laureates. The PeaceJam Foundation has been nominated nine times for the Nobel Peace Prize and has recently partnered with Google and other global leaders to launch One Billion Acts of Peace — an international global citizens’ movement led by PeaceJam’s Nobel Peace Laureates and designed to tackle the toughest issues facing humanity.

GERMAN PARTNERS : Das Centre Français de Berlin (CFB) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt internationale Jugendaustauschprogramme durchzuführen und zu begleiten (schulisch, außerschulisch, für Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen), den individuellen Schüleraustausch – das Voltaire-Programm – zu betreuen und soziokulturelle, gemeinnützige Bildungs- und Jugendprojekte durchzuführen und Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Pädagogische Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen des DFJW: Die pädagogischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des DFJW sind innerhalb ihrer Verbände damit beauftragt, die deutsch-französischen Austauschaktivitäten zu stimulieren, koordinieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Sie können bei der Planung und Vorbereitung eines Programms beraten und Kontakte zu lokalen Vereinen herstellen:

DFJW-Teamerdatenbank: Deutsche und französische Schulen können für ihre Jugendbegegnungen eine kompetente Begleitung nach bestimmten Kriterien suchen, z.B. nach Sprachkenntnissen, Erfahrung mit bestimmten Zielgruppen (z.B. Kinder, Jugendliche mit besonderem Förderbedarf, etc.), Spezialisierung auf bestimmte Themen (z.B. Sport, Theater etc.), Zusatzqualifikationen (z.B. BAFA, Studium der Sozialpädagogik, etc.):

FRENCH PARTNERS Le Centre Français de Berlin (CFB) s’est fixé comme objectifs d’organiser et de coordonner les échanges internationaux de jeunes (scolaires, extra-scolaires, en groupe ou à titre individuel), de coordonner le programme scolaire individuel Voltaire, de mettre à disposition des locaux et de réaliser des projets socioculturels d’utilité publique en matière de formation pour la jeunesse. Les permanents pédagogiques de l’OFAJ sont chargés, au sein de leur association, de stimuler, coordonner et développer les diverses activités franco-allemandes. Ils peuvent aussi conseiller et aider à la préparation et à l’organisation d’échanges et faire le contact avec des associations locales. La base de donnée des animateurs de l’OFAJ: Les établissements français et allemands peuvent y chercher des animateurs qualifiés pour leurs rencontres suivant certains critères, comme par exemple les compétences linguistiques, l’expérience avec des groupes spécifiques (enfants, jeunes avec moins d’opportunités, etc.), la spécialisation thématique (sport, théâtre etc.), les qualifications complémentaires (BAFA, formation d’éducateur spécialisé, etc.)

ITALIAN PARTNERS Intercultura is a non-profit, volunteer based, educational organization, promoting intercultural learning through student exchanges since 1955. Today Intercultura is the largest not-for-profit Italian organization in the field of pupils’ mobility with thousands of participants moving to and from 60 countries in all continents.
In more than 65 countries, AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. As an AFS partner, Intercultura promotes and offers a lifelong intercultural learning experience, sending every year about 2,000 Italian high school pupils to live and study abroad in about 65 countries and welcoming to Italy almost 1,000 young students from all over the world, hosting them in Italian families and schools. Over 4,000 volunteers in 155 local chapters in Italy constitute the deep root of Intercultura programs, guaranteeing professionalism and efficiency to participants and their families.
Intercultura is not only part of the international networks of AFS Intercultural Programs, but it also belongs to EFIL, the European Federation for Intercultural Learning.

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