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Required Time: 120 Minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will:

  1. Make connections between institutional guidelines on intercultural learning and their educational context.
  2. Be aware of how intercultural learning is tackled in different schools and have ideas for improvement on their own

Session Goals

  • Provide information about institutional guidelines on intercultural learning and intercultural competence
  • Experience sharing on how the participants already tackle intercultural learning in their schools

Space Requirements

  • Semi-circle seating arrangement
  • A room where participants can move about freely

Necessary Materials

  • Computer + internet connection
  • Flipchart stand and paper
  • Coloured markers
  • A4 paper sheets & pens
  • A printed version of the description of Activity “Table of different realities”

Powerpoint presentationIntercultural Learning in education


Session from “International to the National Level”

Before providing the training, the facilitator should become very familiar with the National guidelines on intercultural learning and intercultural competence.

Session Table of Different Realities 

Before arrival, participants are asked to prepare themselves to report on how national guidelines on Intercultural learning are implemented in their schools and to be able to provide some examples to share with the other participants   

  • in the general approach of their school
  • in subjects that they teach
  • in cross-curricular activities, they have been involved in
  • in mobility programs

Step-by-Step Description of the Session


  1. Review briefly what has been done during the first day
  2. Tell participants that today they will focus more on the  intercultural learning process


  • Use the presentationIntercultural Learning in educationto introduce
    1. why intercultural learning is so important today
    2. which are the strong request that comes from relevant international and national institutions
    3. the role of mobility in intercultural learning


  • Give information about how the European guidelines are implemented at the National Level:  
    1. National legislation and key documents or statements in intercultural learning and mobility
    2. Eventual relevant indications in the field given by important school organization (i.e. Association of Principals, Teachers’ Associations…)


Table on different realities:

  1. Set-up four stations and assign one host to each: the host is responsible for summarizing the ideas that come up in the experience sharing on a flipchart paper: 1) Whole school approach, 2) Cross-curricular activities, 2) Subject specific activities, 4) Mobility programs.

  2. Ask participants to randomly join one of the four stations and start the experience sharing on the topic. This should be primarily from their own teaching experience, but they are also welcome to share other best practices they know about related to these topics.

  3. Explain that after a few minutes in each station, they will be asked to move – randomly – to another station of interest. If you have less than 12 participants total, you can divide the group in two having them work in two stations at a time, or have the entire group moving together from station to station.

  4. The host introduces the topic by reading the description on his/her table and then summarizing the answers in keywords or bullet points on a flipchart paper (see below)

  5. Explain that when welcoming new participants to the station, the host presents the topic again and summarizes briefly what came up before and facilitates new discussions.

  6. After participants have gone through all stations, invite participants back to plenary and asks each host to present a summary of the ideas shared in each station.  

  7. Ask participants if they have any questions about what was shared


  • A table covered by a flip chart.
  • 4-5 chairs around each table
  • Markers to write short notes  on the flip chart
  • Instructions per each station attached at the centre of the flipchart

Whole school approach:

The host tells participants:

Some schools around the world are developing an intercultural approach (for example, in their public documents, on their sites, in their official activities, in their organizational structure, in cooperation with other organisations focused on active citizenship, volunteers) in order to help students to become acquainted with diversity and capable to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations. On the other tables you will go into details on what happens more specifically in cross-curricular activities and projects, what can be done in specific subject lessons and how exchanges can be promoted and valorized. Here we are focusing on a general approach, that involves the whole school, and maybe also the community where the school is inserted.

Please share examples of your school’s intercultural approach.

Cross-curricular activities  

The host tells participants:

Some schools around the world are developing an intercultural approach in order to help students to become acquainted with diversity, aware that there are different priorities, values, approaches to face the reality. Cross-curricular intercultural activities are often seen as a way to enhance group inclusiveness and bring values of respect, curiosity and empathy inside the classroom or a group of students.

Do you have examples that you would like to share with others?

Specific Subjects

The host tells participants:

Some schools around the world are trying to develop an intercultural approach within the subjects they teach in order to make students aware that often there are different points of view and/or different approaches to topics studied in their subjects. Clear examples of this can be in foreign and native languages, history, geography, social sciences and so on.

Do you have examples that you would like to share with others?

Mobility programs 

The host tells participants:

Individual or group exchanges for students and teachers (where students or teachers temporarily go to a different place – usually a different country – to learn) are one of the most powerful ways to promote intercultural education. Through exchanges, participants get to work together with their peers, practice other languages, and observe and experience behaviours and values that are typical of the hosting community. Moreover they develop international friendships and cultural sensitivity as they become able to understand what is behind cultural differences. Some teachers/schools are very experienced in driving these experiences as true learning paths which are valuable not only for the participant but for the entire educational community.  

Do you have examples that you would like to share with others?


(activity suggested  – The suitcase evaluation)


  • At the end of each session, choose one of the Visual evaluation methods. This will give you immediate feedback on the appreciation of the session.
  • The visual evaluation methods are great examples of something teachers can do in the classroom after delivering intercultural learning activities as a way of gathering impressions and feedback from students.
  • Use this opportunity to eventually review and clarify confusing or unclear aspects of contents or activities of the training.
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