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The Erasmus+ project Expanding Learning Mobility (ELM) brought together non-profit pupil mobility organisations and schools from four countries: Belgium, France, Latvia and Spain.

In the period 2020-2022 partners have worked together on a cooperation model between schools and non-profit pupil mobility organisations to outreach to young people with fewer opportunities and offer them Erasmus+ pupil mobility projects centred around intercultural learning and non-formal education.

Want to know more? Read about the project here.

Cooperation model schools&pupil mobility organisations

Cooperation model schools&pupil mobility organisations

Cooperation between schools and pupil mobility organisations is the key to guaranteeing that the objectives of an IPM project are achieved and that the process goes easily and smoothly, generating the maximum positive impact for the young participants and the entire community of sending and hosting schools involved.

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The ‘Guidebook to individual pupil mobility with underprivileged audiences – cooperation between schools and pupil mobility organisations’ aims at helping schools to cooperate with pupil mobility organisations to effectively promote, support, recognise and leverage this experience, particularly among less advantaged pupils.

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ELM Project partners
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