The Toolbox is out!
The first version of the Toolbox ‚Intercultural Learning at School‘ has been published! You can find it here: http://intercultural-learning.eu/toolbox/.
The Toolbox is divided in 4 sections: whole school approach, cross-curricular activities, subject related activities, international mobility. For now it is available in English, but soon translations will be available in French, Italian and German.
The Toolbox will be piloted in the period September 2017- March 2018 and then edited according to the feedback received. We will be gathering input through:
- the training for multipliers taking place on 27 August-1st September in Berlin
- the trainings that multipliers will deliver to teachers at local level
- the teachers‘ reports on how they implemented the toolbox activities in their schools
- your feedback: use the Comment box at the end of each activity in the Toolbox!