The Multipliers are ready to train teachers all over Europe!
On 27 August- 1st September 2017 16 trainer and teachers attended the ICL @ School training that was organised in Berlin. 11 countries and as many languages were represented! The participants followed a 3-day-training on intercultural learning at school completed by a 2-day-training for trainers which enables them to multiply the teacher training all over Europe.
In fact, between October 2017 and March 2018, participants to this multiplier training will organise local trainings for teachers in their country and assist the teachers in piloting the Toolbox in their schools.
The local trainings will enable the participants to:
- present their own intercultural experiences and enhance their intercultural competences
- link intercultural education theories to observed behaviors
- be aware about mobility opportunities for them and for the students and how to valorize them
- assess intercultural competences of pupils
- implement the whole school approach linked to intercultural learning, in a systemic way
- navigate existing resources
- create modules on intercultural learning linked to specific-curricula and cross curricular
- have the opportunity to pilot the tools in their classes and school.
Trainings are already planned in Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, Spain,France, Turkey, Italy, Czech republic